The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian, also known as Star Wars: The Mandalorian, is an American space Western web television series created by Jon Favreau and released on Disney+. It is the first live action series in the Star Wars franchise. Set five years after the events of Return of the Jedi and 25 years prior to the events of The Force Awakens, it follows the title character—a Mandalorian bounty hunter—and his exploits beyond the reaches of the New Republic.

Favreau also serves as head writer and showrunner, as well as executive producer, alongside Dave Filoni, Kathleen Kennedy, and Colin Wilson. The series premiered with the launch of Disney+ on November 12, 2019. There are eight episodes in the first season, and a second season has been ordered, to premiere in late 2020. The series has received positive reviews, with praise for its writing, characterization, music, action, and visuals, while criticism was directed at its inconsistent pacing.

The Mandalorian, auch Star Wars: The Mandalorian, ist eine US-amerikanische Space-Western-Serie von Autor und Produzent Jon Favreau, die seit dem 12. November 2019 auf dem Streaming-Portal Disney+ in ausgewählten Ländern in mehreren Sprachen verfügbar ist, dabei auch mit deutscher Synchronisation und Untertiteln. In Deutschland wird die Serie mit dem hiesigen Start des Streaming-Dienstes Disney+ ab 31. März 2020 verfügbar sein.

Es ist die erste Realserie im fiktiven Star-Wars-Universum. Die Hauptrolle des anfangs namenlosen Mandalorianers spielt Pedro Pascal. Im Dezember 2019 kündigte Disney den Start der 2. Staffel für den Herbst 2020 an.

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